rsem-simulate-reads: simulating different data
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3.8 years ago

I'm using RSEM to simulate reads from previous experiments (rsem-simulate-reads) - I have no problems getting the basics working, but having difficulties adjusting simulation based params.

Here's an example:

  • Use RSEM to prepare reference (bowtie2 or STAR) rsem-prepare-reference
  • Calculate expression rsem-calculate-expression
  • Then simulate reads: rsem-simulate-reads with something similar to this:

rsem-simulate-reads Human_ref/ref expression/results.stat/results.model \

expression/results.isoforms.results 0.1 500000 simulation/sim_data

The original data is PE, 150bp, non-stranded, bulk RNA-seq

From what I can gather, it is possible to adjust the model params ( to simulate new reads with different library options. For example, say I wanted 50bp PE reads, or 50bp SE stranded reads.

Is this possible using RSEM? I know this is possible using Polyester (, which I'm using, but was hoping to use RSEM as well.

RNA-Seq simulate RSEM • 1.6k views
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hello, I’d like to simulate reads from the model file generated by rsem-calculate-expression function from a pair-end data. However, the rsem-simulate-reads always output one .fa file.

I replace the model file and the isoform_results file with other random files, but the simulate function still worked and one .fa file was generated.

Here is what I did:

rsem-calculate-expression --paired-end --alignments --no-bam-output -p 50 /path/to/mybam /path/to/reference /output/prefix

rsem-simulate-reads /path/to/reference /output/prefix/prefix.stat/prefix.model isoforms.results 0.1 50000000 simulation_out_put

Did I utilise the function wrongly? I’ll appreciate if you could give me some instructions. Thank you very much!

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3.8 years ago
Rob 6.7k

The parameters in the RSEM model file are learned by the quantifier on an experimental data set. Since parameters will differ (possibly drastically) between a 150bp PE dataset and a 50bp SE dataset, its not possible to directly use one model's parameters to simulate a dataset with different characteristics. You could always spoof the parameters, or try to set them according to a parametric model, the resulting data may then not be a good match for a specific experimental dataset.

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Cool - that's what I had kinda thought, thanks for replying Rob


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