Phasing with Beagle 5.2 and no reference panel
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2.5 years ago
Hana • 0

Hi everyone,

I have a question about phasing with Beagle 5.2 without a reference panel. I have seen in answers in a couple other posts about Beagle that trying to phase with too few samples and no reference panel is not advised. I was wondering if anyone had any insights into what constitutes "too few samples"? Or any suggestions where I could go to learn more about this? I have a multi-sample vcf file with 24 samples that I generated with GATK HaplotypeCaller that I was hoping to phase, but I do not have a reference panel. After looking into this I am now wondering if I have too few samples for this analysis.

I would really appreciate any insights you may have! Thank you

Beagle Phase • 1.1k views
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2.5 years ago
4galaxy77 2.8k

24 is too few in my opinion, although it's just an opinion rather than backed up by any hard facts. It probably depends on some factors like population size / species / how inbred/outbred the organism is.

I would reccomend either a) downloading and using a reference panel such as the 1000 genomes or b) use a service such as the Sanger Imputation Service or TopMed, which also use a reference panel (but you don't have to download it).

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thank you! I will look into those options


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