Alignment error using Biopython
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11 months ago
Chris K ▴ 10

Hello, i am trying to write a program using biopython that will align some sequences from a fasta file (for the test that i will present 5 of them) against a fasta file containing a genome. For each, gene-genome alignment i want the score of the alignment. However, when i initially used pairwise2 it game an error "MemoryError: Out of memory" and suggested that i should use Bio.Align.PairwiseAligner. When i tried the Bio.Align.PairwiseAligner the code just ran but gave me no output and the terminal said it was Killed. here is the code:

from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Align import PairwiseAligner

genome_file = "CP000033.3[1..1993560].fasta"
genome_sequence = next(SeqIO.parse(genome_file, "fasta")).seq

gene_file = "genes.fasta"
gene_sequences = list(SeqIO.parse(gene_file, "fasta"))

aligner = PairwiseAligner()

for gene_seq in gene_sequences:
    alignment = aligner.align(genome_sequence, gene_seq.seq)

    print("Alignment Score:", alignment.score)

Also, here is a screenshot from the terminal and the VScode: enter image description here enter image description here

Thank you in advance, for your kind recommendations!

Edit: Could it be that the genome consumes memory or exceed the time limit?

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11 months ago
zorbax ▴ 610

I don't know how much ram you have or how long your genes are, but you definitely need more ram. I made a little example for you:

import random
from io import StringIO
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Align import PairwiseAligner

genome_str = f">genome\n{''.join(random.choices('ATGC', k=1993560))}"
genes_str = ''.join([f">seq{x}\n{''.join(random.choices('ATGC', k=1000))}\n" for x in range(5)])

genome_bio = next(SeqIO.parse(StringIO(genome_str), "fasta")).seq
genes_bio = SeqIO.parse(StringIO(genes_str), "fast")

aligner = PairwiseAligner()

for gene_seq in genes_bio:
    alignment = aligner.align(gene_seq, genome_bio)
    print(f"Gene: {}\nAlignment score: {alignment.score}")

For five genes of only 1000 nt of length with your reference, at least in size, I required ~8-10 Gb de RAM.

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Well my laptop has currently 6gb of ram (I know...). The genome fasta is L. Acidophilus's NCFM genome and the fasta containing the genes has for this example 5 seqs approximately 900-1500kb. The final goal is to scan like 100 genes against the genome provided by the user. So you think if this program runs to a server will it produce the desired result? And if so, is there any chance to do it locally without the server?

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if you want this kind of alignment you should use a computer with a bit more resources otherwise, you can use minimap2 to map your genes vs a reference genome, which consumes fewer resources.

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Great i will talk with my lab because they will eventually use it and not me and also i will try and use the minimap2 tool. Thank you very much!


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