Herald:The Biostar Herald for Monday, January 03, 2022
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2.4 years ago
Biostar 2.8k

The Biostar Herald publishes user submitted links of bioinformatics relevance. It aims to provide a summary of interesting and relevant information you may have missed. You too can submit links here.

This edition of the Herald was brought to you by contribution from Mensur Dlakic, Istvan Albert, GenoMax, and was edited by GenoMax, Istvan Albert,

GitHub - marbl/Winnowmap: Long read / genome alignment software (github.com)

Winnowmap is a long-read mapping algorithm optimized for mapping ONT and PacBio reads to repetitive reference sequences. Winnowmap development began on top of minimap2 codebase, and since then we have incorporated the following two ideas to improve mapping accuracy within repeats

submitted by: Istvan Albert

MetaPalette: a k-mer Painting Approach for Metagenomic Taxonomic Profiling and Quantification of Novel Strain Variation | mSystems (journals.asm.org)

By modeling the k-mer palettes of unknown organisms, the method also gives an indication of the presence, abundance, and evolutionary relatedness of novel organisms present in the sample.

submitted by: Istvan Albert

isoformant: A visual toolkit for reference-free long-read isoform analysis at single-read resolution | bioRxiv (www.biorxiv.org)

isoformant is an analytical toolkit for isoform characterization of Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) long-transcript sequencing data (i.e. direct RNA and cDNA).

submitted by: Istvan Albert

2FAST2Q: A general-purpose sequence search and counting program for FASTQ files | bioRxiv (www.biorxiv.org)

Feature extraction from raw reads

submitted by: Mensur Dlakic

Genetic determinants of liking and intake of coffee and other bitter foods and beverages | Scientific Reports (www.nature.com)

submitted by: GenoMax

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herald • 746 views
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2.4 years ago

"Statistical code used in this study is available upon reasonable request from the corresponding author." really? about a coffee paper? just post the damn code


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