Why Would P-Value Histogram Skew Right For Anovas?
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13.9 years ago
Eric ▴ 40

I have a linear regression model on someone else's unpublished microarray data in which I'm testing the significance of certain 2nd and 3rd-order variable interactions via ANOVA on the nested model (i.e with and without the specific interactions). For many of the interactions, however, I am obtaining a p-value distribution that's skewed towards high p-values. Can incorrect model selection lead to something like that? Could it be because I encoded the model matrix incorrectly? Might the skewed distribution reflect some underlying structure in the data? Am I choosing the wrong model vs. null model?

P-value histogram

The Model

There are three cell types, dummy-encoded with the two variables cell.type.b and cell.type.c, and there are three drug treatment conditions (drug1, drug2, and drug1+drug2) encoded by the absence or presence of each drug.

intercept    cell.type.b    cell.type.c    drug1    drug2
1            0              0              0        0
1            0              0              0        1
1            0              0              1        0
1            0              0              1        1
1            1              0              0        0
1            1              0              0        1
1            1              0              1        0
1            1              0              1        1
1            0              1              0        0
1            0              1              0        1
1            0              1              1        0
1            0              1              1        1

I also have (but did not include in the table for simplicity) the 6 interaction parameters

(cell.type.b + cell.type.c)*(drug1 + drug2 + drug1*drug2).

The null hypothesis is that the model without a particular interaction cell.type x drug.type is not significantly worse than a model including that interaction.

Calculating p-values

To calculate the p-values I have the following R function I essentially copied-and-pasted from the Leek and Storey sva R package. It's just a vectorized version of using the hat matrix to extract residuals. Models are input in matrices like the table above; my model has additional columns for the interactions, of course. In this case, there is a separate F statistic calculated for each row the data matrix (i.e. each gene of the microarray data set):

f.pvalue <- function(dat,mod,mod0){
  # This is a function for performing
  # parametric f-tests on the data matrix
  # dat comparing the null model mod0
  # to the alternative model mod. 
  n <- dim(dat)[2]
  m <- dim(dat)[1]
  df1 <- dim(mod)[2]
  df0 <- dim(mod0)[2]
  p <- rep(0,m)
  Id <- diag(n)

  resid <- dat %*% (Id - mod %*% solve(t(mod) %*% mod) %*% t(mod))
  resid0 <- dat %*% (Id - mod0 %*% solve(t(mod0) %*% mod0) %*% t(mod0))

  rss1 <- resid^2 %*% rep(1,n)
  rss0 <- resid0^2 %*% rep(1,n)

  fstats <- ((rss0 - rss1)/(df1-df0))/(rss1/(n-df1))
  p <-  1-pf(fstats,df1=(df1-df0),df2=(n-df1))
microarray statistics r • 6.9k views
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Hi @Eric, I have seen this pattern in 2 different project while analyzing second level interactions using the R-Maanova package. I did not find any particular reason or explanation, so any sensible reply to your question is also of high interest to me :) Did you use any particular package for the analysis or did you simply use a standard anova test implemented in R? Cheers

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Hi @Eric. I'm using the hat matrix to extract residuals from the microarrays and then directly calculate F statistics, so I'm using the standard R function pf(q, df1, df2) to get p-values.

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11.0 years ago
David W 4.9k

One possibility is that your models are missing an important covariate.

Imagine a simple case in which you are looking at 3 drugs across 3 cells types...

cells <- rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each=30) 
drugs <- rep(c("I", "II","II"), 30)

...and the drugs don't have an effect on what you're measuring but the cell-types do...

cell_type_effects <- c("A"=0, "B"=1, "C"=2)
drug_effects <- c("I"=0, "II"=0, "II"=0)

...if you run a bunch of studies looking only at the drug-effects and failing to include the cell type you won't get a uniform distrbution of p-values, rather you'll ahve a right-skew

simulate_study <- function(){
   y <- rnorm(90, cell_type_effects[cells] + drug_effects[drugs],1) # since all drug_effects are 0 true model  y ~ cell + normally distributed error
   res <- anova(lm(y ~ drugs))[[5]][1]
 pvals <- replicate(1e4,simulate_study())

mean(pvals < 0.1)
## [1] 0.0327
mean(pvals > 0.9)
## [1] 0.13

It's not the only way you could wind up with the distribution of p-values you have. But it's probably worth thinking about

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11.0 years ago
Ryan D ★ 3.4k

The most likely explanation--it would seem to me--is that you are violating some of the assumptions of the ANOVA test. I would check the normality of your signal data and try plotting the values of an equivalent non-parametric test like the Kruskal-Wallis.


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