differentially expressed genes among multiple groups
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3.8 years ago
Iván ▴ 60


I'm re-analyzing an Affymetrix array with 200+ samples distributed across 38 groups. They refer to multiple cell types (CD8+, CD4+, Granulocytes, etc.), so there isn't a "control" condition on which the groups are to be compared against. I've implemented code to RMA-normalize the CEL files and perform pair-wise comparisons for each two cell types of interest, but I'm stuck on how to extract DEGs among 3 or more groups?

My design formula considers batch effects (as originally reported by the study's authors), and is as following:

design <- model.matrix(~0+group+batch)

where group refers to samples cell types.

I then go on to perform pairwise comparisons and extract DEGs, examples of which are:

contr.matrix <- makeContrasts(
  BASOPHILSvsEARLYBCELLS = Basophils - EarlyB, # (coef = 1)
  CD8NAIVEvsCD8EM = CD8Naive - CD8EM,          # (coef = 2)
  EOSINOPHILSvsMONOCYTES = Eosino - Monocyte,  # (coef = 3)
  levels = colnames(design)

and to extract, for instance, DEGs between basophils and early B-cells I do:

fit <- lmFit(expr.rma, design)

fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contr.matrix)

fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)

tt <- topTable(fit2, coef = 1, adjust.method = "BH", n=Inf)

but how would I proceed to extract DEGs among any of these groups?

limma microarray expression degs RNA-Seq • 1.7k views
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3.8 years ago
ATpoint 82k

Each coefficient corresponds to one column of your contrast matrix, so you simply have to change the coef parameter according to the contrast/column you want to test.

BASOPHILSvsEARLYBCELLS_tt <- topTable(fit2, coef = 1, adjust.method = "BH", n=Inf)
CD8NAIVEvsCD8EM_tt        <- topTable(fit2, coef = 2, adjust.method = "BH", n=Inf)
EOSINOPHILSvsMONOCYTES    <- topTable(fit2, coef = 3, adjust.method = "BH", n=Inf)

To be sure, can you show the design matrix?

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Yes, that's how I'm extracting the DEGs from each 2-way comparison. But I'd like to know whether it would be possible to calculate DEGs all at once among e.g Basophils X Early B-cells X CD8-naive X CD8EM x Monocytes X Eosinophils, as one would do by an ANOVA analysis.

My design is quite big because there are a lot of samples and groups (I don't want to perform all-vs-all comparison, just these groups of interest). I pasted it here https://pastebin.com/Nf4D3PSJ (note that HTAxxx columns correspond to batches).

Edit: I guess I could perform all pairwise comparisons and just calculate the union of DEGs across comparisons. But I'm not sure type 1 error would be properly controlled using this strategy.

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Section 3.2.6 of the manual https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/edgeR/inst/doc/edgeRUsersGuide.pdf might be of interest to make ANOVA-like tests that detect whether there are any DEGs among all indicated groups.

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Thank you for pointing me to this guide (I was only reading limma since I'm working on array data)!

I've adapted my code to read:

fit <- lmFit(expr.rma, design)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit)
tt <- topTable(fit2, coef = 1:5, adjust.method = "BH", n=Inf)

However, this yields very low P-values with probes that present strikingly similar expression profiles. This is the first few lines of tt:

> head(tt)
                        Basophils    CD4CM    CD4EM    CD8CM    CD8EM  AveExpr
AFFX-HSAC07/X00351_3_at  14.24028 14.15263 14.18607 14.20181 14.22044 14.09083
201492_s_at              14.40483 14.38230 14.36668 14.40990 14.42368 14.14275
213867_x_at              14.44159 14.37452 14.40886 14.44252 14.43441 14.36701
200801_x_at              14.32623 14.28367 14.33340 14.32969 14.36496 14.25970
200031_s_at              14.29166 14.12298 14.09500 14.17429 14.15840 14.03807
AFFX-hum_alu_at          14.38317 14.32959 14.30506 14.34855 14.33721 14.32918
                               F       P.Value     adj.P.Val
AFFX-HSAC07/X00351_3_at 89780.10 6.079421e-292 1.394862e-287
201492_s_at             78894.11 4.097506e-287 4.700658e-283
213867_x_at             76830.96 4.003192e-286 3.061641e-282
200801_x_at             69738.20 1.661760e-282 9.531857e-279
200031_s_at             59493.76 1.428835e-276 6.556640e-273
AFFX-hum_alu_at         57484.16 2.744180e-275 1.049375e-271

Also, when I run summaryTests(fit2), everyone is significant in all comparisons but the batch columns! See: https://pastebin.com/jHiYNYuN

What am I missing here? It seems I'm actually testing for expression, thus all probes appear significant - but I have included an intercept in my design formula. Should I only include the groups to be compared in the design formula?

EDIT: my design:

design <- model.matrix(~0+group+batch)

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I realize now that I should be using a design of the form

design <- model.matrix(~group+batch), where (Intercept) now shows in the first column, and now I have

> tt <- topTable(fit2, coef = 2:4, adjust.method = "BH", n=Inf)
> head(tt)
                   CD4EM    CD8CM    CD8EM  AveExpr        F      P.Value
205821_at   -0.157680954 5.844033 5.898132 8.923262 627.9269 1.894770e-22
207979_s_at  0.080600853 3.712907 4.192378 7.333154 303.4006 7.873893e-19
213915_at    0.838234928 3.902816 5.497322 9.059972 283.0714 1.731043e-18
205758_at   -0.020585088 6.756080 6.827124 9.711344 229.5047 1.857388e-17
210606_x_at -0.002967552 3.152527 3.942116 7.352508 223.3591 2.521977e-17
207795_s_at -0.069153206 3.275952 4.294975 7.295654 197.8585 9.850590e-17
205821_at   4.347361e-18
207979_s_at 9.032931e-15
213915_at   1.323902e-14
205758_at   1.065398e-13
210606_x_at 1.157285e-13
207795_s_at 3.766866e-13

My question now is whether I should subset my whole dataset prior to perform this only to retain groups of interest (in this case, samples related to the comparisons between Basophils x CD4CM x CD4EM x CD8CM x CD8EM), or if using coef = 2:4 is enough to obtain these DEGs across these specific groups, which are only a portion of all groups present in this dataset? I also have a lot of other coefficients calculated for both the remaining groups as well as the batches.

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Is it really of interest for your research to know which genes are differential between a basophil and a CD8+? These are fundamentally different cell types. I would really try and only perform the meaningful comparisons that help driving your research and avoid making unnecessary comparisons. I'd stick with the pairwise comparisons instead of these Anova-like tests. What question do you want to answer?

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This is a quite complete dataset of cellular lineages. I used basophile as an example for simplicitiy because it was at the start of my sample array. What I would like to really see was differences between the (somewhat related) Megakaryocyte / erythroid progenitor VS granulocyte/monocyte progenitor VS Common myeloid progenitor VS Naive CD4+ VS Naive CD8+.

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Create new combined levels / factors in your input metadata (via paste() or paste0()) such that you can then conduct the comparisons that you want.

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Yes, I have each of the groups from my previous message as a factor within the group variable that compose my design. At this moment I'm leaning towards @ATPoint's suggestion of performing solely 2-group comparisons, although I would like to know whether my previous reasoning and code is appropriate for an ANOVA-like comparison, particularly in the presence of the batch covariate as all examples that I saw in other posts had only a simple design of the form design <- model.matrix(~ group)


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