Forum:Publishing and research fees
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7.5 years ago
baxy ▴ 170


I have a quick question. For a while now I am working outside academic circles and unable to get back in (to tell the truth did not try too hard, I like non-academic lifestyle, at least the illusion of freedom feels a bit more real ;)). However, I am still working independently in my free time and now have finished with a couple of self-funded projects in bioinformatic and mathematics. Since the research I do is mostly theoretical and is now complete, I was wondering where can someone like me get some extra funding for publishing its work. Is something like this even possible ?? Publishing fees are quite high and with more than 10 thousand eur already invested in these projects (a small car) i am really looking forward not to spend any more than i have to on it. On the other hand I feel it would be sad to just put it all back in the draw after the time invested. Any thoughts ??

Thank you

research publishing funding • 1.5k views
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Couldn't you also publish in journals for which you don't have to pay or use preprint servers?

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Its not free, but could be a cheap option but you could try PeerJ -

A single payment of $300, $449 or $499 would get you 1, 2 or 5 papers published every 12 month period. Every author of a paper would need to be a member - but I am guessing for your stuff you are the sole author.

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7.5 years ago
Chirag Nepal ★ 2.4k

Here are the list of journals that have no publication charges

However, you can always do a pre-submission inquiry to the journal, and see if they are interested to send it out for peer review, and also request to waive publication charges (mention you have no funding), if accepted. If the editors find the story interesting, they might send it out for review and also waive the publication charges. So, a good approach may be to write to editors.


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