predicting yeast protein secondary structure
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8.6 years ago
grins38 ▴ 10

I have a fasta file of yeast orfs (from the SGD database) and I need to find out (predict) secondary structure/classification for all of them (so ~6K queries and doing this by hand on numerous available websites is not an option).

Is CATH database a place that can give me this info? (so far I struggle to recover anything that can help me from the website but perhaps I am missing something), if not what's the best way/software to go about it? perhaps a piece of code in R or Python.

Surely, these predictions have been done before and there is a database somewhere? -- yeast is too much of an important organism, with a lot of information about its genome.

protein yeast • 1.9k views
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8.5 years ago
grins38 ▴ 10

Okay, so after some searching around I have settled on s2d software, which might be a bit fiddly to set up but after the initial pain is very easy to use, with nice parseable output.

I've also been recommended Jpred4 -- this one's easy to set up and use.

Both programs offer batch submissions and with s2d I was done with my ~6K proteins in a couple of days (but with some planning I could have done it even faster).

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8.5 years ago
dago ★ 2.8k

There are many server to predict secondary structures. I used to use Phyre2, and I found it quite useful and nice.


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