Difference in duplicate number with samtools flagstat and multiqc/fastqc
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7.0 years ago
ZheFrench ▴ 580

Samtools flagstats give me 0 + 0 duplicates for BAM from a chipSeq sample. ChIPQC package in R gives me also 0 duplicates.

But when I'm doing a fastqc or Multiqc analyse. The BAM has 40 % duplicate.

So I'm wondering how it works and if it's representing different values. It happens for all my samples...

fastqc multiqc duplicates chipseq samtools • 3.1k views
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7.0 years ago
GenoMax 142k

If you want to reliably identify sequence duplicates (or all kinds) then use clumpify from BBMap suite. You do not need to align the data for clumpify : Introducing Clumpify: Create 30% Smaller, Faster Gzipped Fastq Files. And remove duplicates.

As for FastQC : Various modules sample different amounts of data. Duplication module and overrepresented sequences module tracks the first 8000 sequences it sees (but then reads them to the end of the file).

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5.5 years ago
Phil Ewels ★ 1.4k

I think that samtools flagstats tells you about the flagged duplicates. You need to mark these duplicate reads first, for example by running Picard MarkDuplicates. If you then run samtools flagstats again it should give you a more realistic figure :)

FastQC uses the raw FastQ sequences instead of alignment positions, so doesn't require any preprocessing steps.


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